Search Results On national news (Page 1 of 4)

national news (Page 1 of 4)

  • facebook’s plan to hire journalists, media industry, what does facebook s plan to hire journos mean for media industry, National news

    What Does Facebook’s Plan to Hire Journos Mean for Media Industry? 2019-08-22 10:44:02

    The social media giant Facebook’s plan to recruit professional journalists rather solely depending on algorithms to deliver news is a positive step but is unlikely to shake up an embattled media industry, according to analysts.On Tuesday, Facebook said it would build...

    Keywords: facebook, media industry, media industry, media industry

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    Facebook, Facebook, facebook condemns apple over new privacy policy for mobile devices, National news

    Facebook condemns Apple over new privacy policy for Mobile Devices 2020-12-17 04:39:47

    Facebook is yet again criticizing Apple Inc. for their new privacy policy on new rules which limits businesses to run personalized ads. Facebook generates most of their revenue through personalized advertisement to reach customers effectively. Facebook is one of the...

    Keywords: Facebook, Facebook, privacy, privacy

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    Editorials, President Trump, president trump s war on social media draws editorials in over 300 u s outlets, National news

    President Trump's War on Social Media Draws Editorials in Over 300 U.S. Outlets 2018-08-17 09:09:52

    Over 300 news outlets on Thursday have launched a campaign to counter the United States President Donald Trump's attacks and promote a free press, reports BBC. Earlier this week, The Boston Globe called for the denouncement of Trump's dirty war...

    Keywords: Donald Trump, Social Media, Donald Trump, editorials in U.S. outlets

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    great fall of china frozen, international news, after niagara falls the great fall of china freezes, National news

    After Niagara Falls, the Great Fall of China Freezes 2014-01-14 09:54:31

    Not just America, even parts of Asia seem to be weathering sub zero conditions. Even as news of the cold snap icing up the Niagara Falls in the U.S. continues to grab headlines, bitter temperatures in China have frozen a...

    Keywords: great fall of china, great fall of china frozen, the Niagara falls, international news

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    World news., Recep Tayyip Erdogan, eastern european autocrats pose new test for democracy, National news

    Eastern European autocrats pose new test for democracy 2013-09-30 11:35:17

    A 40-minute drive south-west of Budapest, Felcsut is a typical Hungarian village on the surface, its cottages strung out neatly along either side of the long main street. Untypical of the Hungarian countryside, however, is the frenzy of building activity...

    Keywords: Turkey, Romania, Russia, Hungary

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    Barack Obama breaking news, Barack Obama breaking updates, obama extends his support to joe biden, National news

    Obama extends his support to Joe Biden 2024-06-29 10:23:50

    Energized Joe Biden came out swinging on Friday, determined to make up for a disastrous debate against Donald Trump. He insisted he was the right person to win the upcoming US presidential election. Biden's appearance at a campaign rally in...

    Keywords: Joe Biden, Barack Obama on debate, Barack Obama on Presidential election, Barack Obama statement

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